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Ergun Capan, PhD

Instructing and Promoting moderate interpretation of Islam; Investigating the relationship between faith, reason and science; Instructing the universal human values and ethics; Offering solutions from Islam against global radicalization, terrorism and violence; Strengthening mutual understanding and respect to achieve peaceful co-existence.
PhD (09.1992 — 02.2000)
Marmara University, Istanbul - Turkey
Institute of Social Sciences – Islamic Studies
The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Qur’an
MA (09.1989 — 03.1992)
Marmara University, Istanbul - Turkey
Institute of Social Sciences – Islamic Studies
The Interpretation of Chapter Ahzab in the Qur’an in relation to ‘family’ roles, principles and structure
BA (09.1983 — 06.1988)
Ataturk University, Erzurum – Turkey
Faculty of Theology – Islamic Studies
Lecturer (09.2016 — 01.2018)
Ishik University, Erbil – Iraq
Lecturer (Associated Proffessor) (03. 2011 - 3. 2016)
Fatih University, Istanbul – Turkey
General Coordinator & Editor in Chief Magazine‚ Yeni Umit
(01.2000 — 01. 2016)
Kaynak Holding, Istanbul – Turkey

2015 Fezlekeler Ile Ayetlerin Muhtevasi Arasindaki Munasebet. (The Relationship between Content of the Verses and Their Ending Phrases). Isik Publishing: Istanbul.
2002 Kur’an-i Kerim’de Sahabe. (The Companions of the Prophet in the Qur’an). Isik Publishing: Istanbul.
2013 ‘Mucize ve Tefekkür: Arı’, in Ergun Capan (edt.) Kur’an ve Ä°lmi Hakikatler 2, (‘Miracles and Contemplation: The Bee’ in Ergun Capan (edt.) The Qur’an and Scientific Truths 2), Isik Publishing: Istanbul. pp.139-160.
2006 ‘Kur’an’ın Ä°ntikalinde Sahabenin Rolü’ in Suat Yildirim, Kur’an’ın Mucizevî Korunması, (‘The role of the Companions in the Transmission of the Holy Text Qur’an’ in Suat Yildirim ( The Miraculous Protection of the Qur’an, Isik Publishing: Istanbul. pp.119-148.
2004 Terror and Suicide Attacks an Islamic Perspective, in Ergun Capan (edt.) Suicide and Terror Attacks and Islam. The Light: New Jersey, pp.101-118.
2003 ‘Kur’ani Kerim’in Evrenselligi ve Tarihselci Yaklasım’, Kur’an-ı Kerim, Tarihselcilik ve Hermenötik, (‘The Qur’an, History of the Qur’an and Contextual Approach’ in Hayrettin Karaman ( The Qur’an Contextualism and Hermeneutics, Isik Publishing: Istanbul. pp.77-106.
2017 Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Legal Disputes, Islamic Perspective Towards Suicide and Terror Attacks, Ä°shik University: Erbil, Iraq, 1/248-259.
Available at: (
2013 ‘Kur’anin Hifz ve Muhafazasinda Sosyo-psikolojik Olaylar’, (‘The Impact of Socio-Psychological Incidents on the Protection and Preservation of the Qur’an’), Theological Journal of the Sutcu Imam University (Jan-June) 21: KahramanmaraÅŸ. pp.245-286.
2012 ‘Satibi’nin Ilmi Tefsir Anlayisina Elestirel Bir Yaklasim’, (‘A Critical Approach Towards Shatibi’s Scientific Exegesis’), Faculty of Theology Publishing 38: Ataturk University, Erzurum. pp.276-306.
2012 ‘Ifrat ve Tefrit Arasinda Kur’an ve Ilmi Hakikatler’, (‘The Qur’an and Scientific Truths: A Balanced Approach’), Ekev Academic Publishing 51: Erzurum. pp.167-206.
2011 ‘Altın Bir Zaman Dilimi Berat Kandili’, (‘A Golden Period of Time Berat Night’), Yeni Umit 93 (July-Aug.-Sept.), Isik Publishing: Istanbul.
2011 ‘Kur’an ve Sünnet’te Kaza Namazı’, (‘Compensation Prayer in the Qur’an and Sunnah’), Ekev Academic Journal 47: Erzurum. pp.195-212.
2011 ‘Kur’an’da Bir Ahlak Olcusu Olarak “Yurume Tarzi”’, (‘Walking on the Earth ‘as a Measure for Morality and Mannerism in the Qur’an’), Faculty of Theology Publishing 26: Harran University. SanlıUrfa. pp.31-60.
2010 ‘Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin Bilinmeyen Bir Yönü: Ders ve Tedris Metodu 1’, (‘An Unknown Aspect of Fethullah Gülen: His Private Teaching and Learning Methods I’), Yeni Umit 89, Isık Publishing: Istanbul. pp.28-33)
2010 ‘Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin Bilinmeyen Bir Yönü: Ders ve Tedris Metodu 2’, (‘An Unknown Aspect of Fethullah Gülen: His Private Teaching and Learning Methods II’), Yeni Umit 90 (Oct.-Nov.-Dec.) Isık Publishing: Istanbul. pp.53-58.
2009 ‘Ä°ntihar Saldırıları ve Ä°slâm’, (‘Suicide and Terror Attacks and Islam’), Yeni Umit 84, Isik Publishing: Istanbul. Available at:
2006 ‘Efendimiz’in Ümmetine DüÅŸkünlüÄŸü’, (‘Prophet’s Affection Towards His Nation’), Yeni Umit 71, (Jan.-Feb.-March), Isik Publishing: Istanbul. Available at: (
2005 ‘Hatimle Teravih Namazı’, (‘Late night prayer – Tarawih with Khatm’), Yeni Umit 69, Isik Publishing: Istanbul). Available at: (
2002 ‘Kur’an’ın EvrenselliÄŸi ve Tarihselci Yaklaşım’, (‘Universality of the Qur’an and Contextual-Historical Approach’), Yeni Umit 58 (Oct.-Nov.-Dec.), Isik Publishing: Istanbul. pp.53-58.
2001 ‘Teravih Namazı’, (‘Late Night Superaragotary Prayer –Tarawih During Ramadan’), Yeni Umit 54 (Oct.-Nov.-Dec.), Isik Publishing: Istanbul. Available at:
2014 Aile’nin Korunması ve Müt’a Fitnesi, (Protection of Family and Slander of Mut’a – Hidden Marriage). Edited Conference Proceedings, Isik Publishing: Istanbul.
2013 Kur’an ve Ilmi Hakikatler II, Uluslararasi Sempozyum, (The Qur’an and Scientific Truths 2) Edited book for International Conference, Isik Publishing: Istanbul.
2011 Peygamber Yolu (The Prophet’s Path). Edited book for International Conference, (edt.), Ergün Çapan & Selçuk Camcı, Isik Publishing: Istanbul.
2006 Kur’an’ın Mucizevi Korunması (Miraculous Protection and Preservation of the Qur’an), Edited book for International Conference, Isık Publishing: Istanbul.
2004 Terror and Suicide Attacks: An Islamic Perspective, Light Publishing: New Jersey, U.S..
2016 ‘Legitimate Struggle in Islam and Countering Violent Extremism’, March 15-16, Leuven-Brussels, Belgium. Organizer: Fethullah Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies, Leuven University.
2015 ‘Aile’nin Korunması ve Müt’a Fitnesi’ (‘Protection of Family: A Response to Slander of Mut’a –Hidden Marriage’), Jan.15, Organizer: Yeni Umit, Istanbul Congress Center, Istanbul.
2014 ‘Ä°çtihad ve Kıyas Sempozyumu (Symposium on Ijtihad –critical reasoning- and Analogy), May 10-11, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Hira Magazine, Istanbul Congress Center, Istanbul.
2013 ‘Ortak Yol, Ä°cma ve Kolektif Åžuur’, (‘Common Path, Consensus and Collective Reasoning’), April 27-28, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Hira Magazine, Istanbul Congress Center, Istanbul.
2012 ‘Sosyal Problemlere Peygamber Yolu’ndan Çözümler–II’, (‘The Solutions from the Prophet’s Path to Social Problems II’), May 5-6, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Hira Magazine, Sehitkamil Culture and Congress Center, Gaziantep.
2011 ‘Kur’an ve Ä°lmi Hakikatler Sempozyumu 1’, (‘Qur’an and Scientific Truths Symposium I), May 14–15, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Hira Magazine. Firat Cultural Center, Istanbul.
2010 ‘Kur’an ve Bilim Sempozyumu 2’, (‘The Qur’an and Scientific Truths Symposium II’), June 26-27, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Sizinti Magazine, Firat Culture Center, Istanbul.
2010 ‘Peygamber Yolu Sempozyumu 1’, (Prophet’s Path Symposium I), September 9-10, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Hira Magazine, Firat Culture Center, Istanbul.
2009 ‘Kuran’ın Mucizevi Korunması’, (‘Miraculous Protection of the Qur’an Symposium’), May 9-10, Organizers: Yeni Umit and Hira Magazine, Firat Culture Center, Istanbul.

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